gold in the air of summer.

this photo is of two lovely ladies in vancouver, mish & sarah. it was taken sometime in 2006, during a friend's birthday picnic lunch. i look at it sometimes, when i feel lonely for my friends across the world or when i miss the sun way too much. in vancouver, the sun is this amazing presence, warm and golden bathing everything in rich summertime love. when it's warm out, there is no place better than outside with your friends on the beach or on a patio with a cold jug of sangria. the sun sparkles and skips over the water like diamonds and turns dark hair a lighter shade, brings freckles out, gives your body vitamin b and creates this calming soothing barely constrained sense of happiness. basically, it's so pretty you just want to die.

i was thinking today about how it's already been two and a half years since moving here, and how hazy and grey it has seemed nearly this entire time. china is the only place i've ever been in the world where you can look directly at the sun. it's red & perfectly round and doesn't burn your eyes - it's just there, a floating orb in a sky of hazy, sad gray.

how depressing. bring on the sun!


mcooper said...

When I think back on the last few years all I see is grey too. Was wishing I was back in Vancouver last night too.

jennwong said...

let's run away together, merek cooper!