mostly, i use my mobile phone camera to take pictures of animals.
a) reginald, my ex-dog who now lives with ex-boyfriend, has not been seen in a few weeks, did not get visitation rights.
b) meow tse-fun, my cat (originally from beijing).
c) best trained dog i have ever seen on the street, dog held pose for about 5 minutes while owner shouted at it.
d) box of free kittens on wulumuqi lu.
you should go steal the puppy. :)
(nice blog, why did your other one get blocked?)
i used to use wordpress, which got banned, and then before that livejournal, which was banned a few months after i got here. stupid!
mister barrington - what are you kidding? if i could have curry injected into my body via IV as my only food source, that would be a-ok with me. yum.
love how the box'o kittens says "Shocking", nothing beats the, um, truth.
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