since my ipod was wiped clean a few months ago, i've gotten into the habit of stealing entire collections of music off of the hard drives of various people i know in an effort to catch back up. the best part about doing this is that you end up with so many guilty pleasure awesome songs that you'd completely forgotten about until JUST THAT MOMENT.
after a quick browse through my ipod, here are some of my favourites for you to download!:
like toy soldiers.
murder inc, benzino and a paul simon sample. it doesn't really get better than this, right? i love how eminem is a serious musician. i love when he wears his little wire frame glasses with his white t-shirts and his ridiculous grey sweat pants. it's true, he is a total stud.
ryan adams:
wonderwall (oasis cover).
this song is soooooo earnest. you really get the sense that ryan adams MEANS IT. he means every word of this song. today really
is the day where they're gonna throw it all back to you. you get the feeling that he probably lays in bed when he's bummed out, listening to his version of this song over and over again. is he still dating parker posey? i love ryan adams.
don't stop believin.
probably the best song ever written.
amerie :
take control.
i have no qualms with liking amerie. i actually LOVE amerie. especially this song. and especially the fact that she's half korean. whaaaaaa? 'take control' is pretty much the perfect r&b pop song. it has everything you could ever want - it's all dancey and has some good messaging, plus it's sexy and amerie has mad booty.
andrew w.k:
she is beautiful.
remember how awesome this video was? a couple of years ago i watched an interview he did with
nardwuar the human serviette, and he had a little scab on his forehead that he picked at until it bled. he picked at it because nardwuar asked him to, not because it was itchy. SERIOUSLY! this is like my favourite love song ever.